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So far Editor has created 110 blog entries.

Make the Most of Your Surgery with Physical Therapy – Both Before and After

Did You Know There are Benefits to Physical Therapy, Both [...]

Chronic Back Pain Can Leave You Feeling Defeated – Physical Therapy Can Help

Are You Living with Chronic Back Pain? Does your back [...]

Consult with a Physical Therapist to Find Relief for Your Hip and Knee Pains

Looking for Relief? Physical Therapy Has You Covered Does nagging [...]

Living with Aches and Pains? There’s A Chance it Could be From Your Mattress

If Your Mattress is Leaving You Feeling Achy, Physical Therapy [...]

Stress-Related Headaches Can be Difficult to Live With – Consult With a PT Today

Did You Know Physical Therapy Could Help You Combat Your [...]

What are the benefits of pre and post-surgical rehab?

Pre and post-surgical rehab is often recommended for those having [...]

Could your back pain be caused by a herniated disc? Moon PT

How do you know whether you have a herniated disc [...]

Frustrated by your chronic joint pain? PT can help relieve arthritis pain

The latest study revealed an estimated 54.4 million US adults [...]

Hip and Knee Pain Relief with Physical Therapy

There are so many causes of hip and knee pain, [...]

Do You Sit at a Desk Most of the Day? How to Stay Active During the 9–5 Desk Job

Would you be embarrassed if you got caught doing jumping [...]

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