Category: Symptoms and Pains

Lumbar Stenosis Misdiagnosis Jun1st 2016

Lumbar Stenosis Misdiagnosis

Degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis (DLSS) is a leading cause of pain, disability and loss of independence in older adults.

Older Adults Adapting to Limb Loss - Moon Physical Therapy Dec1st 2015

Older Adults Adapting to Limb Loss

Limb loss is a serious challenge, and the more flexible and open-minded you are, the more quickly your body will heal and your lifestyle will adjust.

Aug1st 2015

Are you Golf Ready?

Golf is a popular sports activity. Unlike most sports, it can be played throughout the golden years, if you can avoid injury and stay in shape.

Moon Physical Therapy - Knee Bend Jun1st 2015

Total Knee Rehab and Recovery

Follow your physical therapist’s instructions and take care to protect your new knee and your general health. These are ways you can contribute to the success of your total knee replacement.

Walking on an Underwater Treadmill - Moon Physical Therapy Apr1st 2015

High Intensity Training for Arthritic Relief

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 33 percent of adults 65 and older suffer from osteoarthritis (OA).

Taking the Pain out of Physical Therapy - Moon Physical Therapy Feb1st 2015

Taking the Pain out of Physical Therapy

The letters “p” and “t” for physical therapy should NOT be confused with “pain” and “torture.” Unfortunately, many people will share their horror stories of how painful their experiences were.